What do you want to do withyour life?

Many people have no idea!

So we made Poly. An intelligent, holistic-thinking AI that helps you work out how you want to spend your time here on Earth, then find you work you will love!


17% of 2025 has already passed

Don't waste your life in a job you don't love.

Mar 6
Example Chat
Discover yourself

Uncover your true path

Share what makes you happy and what gives you energy in honest, natural conversations with Poly. No rigid forms or templates – just talk about what matters to you and discover insights about yourself along the way.

Simplified process

No application forms!

Once you have a Profile, Poly will match you with jobs it thinks you'll love. Since it understands both you and the employer, it can help craft the perfect introduction message to make a genuine connection.

People connecting
Updating Service
Flexible paths

Multiple ways to thrive

Whether you want traditional employment, to showcase your freelance skills through Services, or to find a co-founder for your next venture, Poly adapts to your unique needs and aspirations.

We believe

In a new first-principles approach to work.


You don't want "a job"

What you really want is a mix of money, growth, self-expression, stability, connection, and maybe even adventure. The exact mix depends on who you are and where you are in your life.


Multiple income streams

Job security doesn't come from a contract. It comes from continually learning and staying curious. Poly = Polyamory for jobs. The best security comes from combining multiple income streams.


Try many different experiences

We only know what we want by knowing what we don't want. So move fast, do lots, and meet true friends (not colleagues you'll never see again) along the way.


Show don't tell

Years of experience matter less than natural ability, drive, and personality fit. Poly will give you many opportunities to showcase your best work in the future.


Money does not bring purpose

Money alone cannot bring you skills, structure, purpose, fulfillment, and connection. No matter how many AI-powered robots we have in the future, humans will always need meaning.

AI Driven

Holistic intelligence built into every interaction.

Semantic Search

Understands what you're looking for, even if you don't use exact keywords

Natural Conversations

Talk to Poly like you would a human career advisor or recruiter

Continuous Learning

Poly gets better with every interaction, adapting to your preferences

This is only the beginning.

The future of meaningful work

We've just launched. There's lots more to build but you can start using Poly now.

Got Questions?

Everything you need to know about Poly

About Poly

Poly helps you discover meaningful work and connections that align with your true self.

© 2025 Poly. All rights reserved.